We created this page as a guide including descriptions and videos to help you help us grow YoorKids! Please let us know if you need any help, have any questions or have feedback for us!
If you have already completed a step, like you’ve already created an account, please go to the next!
As a thank you for your support, we added an outtakes video at the bottom of this page. 🤣

Not sure exactly what YoorKids is? Click here for a 1 minute video of Natalia telling you all about it!
2. Create an account
If you haven’t already, please create a YoorKids account. The app will walk you thru it, all you need is your name and email address. To complete account creation we will send you an email to verify, then you’re all set.
3. Add Promo Code
This promo code will remove all costs for adding your payment bank account and sending 3 coins. The code will expire Oct 31. 🎃
If you’d like to support our app further, feel free to disregard this promo code. 🙂
Note: The gifted money will come out of your attached bank account. This promo code removes the fees you pay to us.
Promo Code: GROWYK202410
4. Add a Payment Bank
This will be the bank account that your gifted money will come out of. Remember, we will be securely printing and mailing physical checks thru our trusted partner, so attach your CHECKING account.
5. Send 3 Coins
Send coins to 3 people with kids. The app will walk you thru creating your coin, including photos, videos and personal messages. Click “Someone New” as the Receiver and all you need is the parent’s email address.
These coins are what makes the gifted money feel like a gift, so have fun with it. Don’t forget to share your coin.
Pro tip: you can send a coin to a kid for any occasion: birthday, religious accomplishment, recital, or just to say I love you!
Bonus: Share your profile
Share your profile link, if the person you share it with does not already have the app, it will take them to the app store. If they do have the app, it will connect you two and take them to your profile!
Bonus: Share your coin
After creating and sending your coin, we will send that person an email. But please also message them letting them know about your gift. The app creates a shareable gif of your coin that is a great addition to that message and looks like this:

Thanks for your help!
As a token of our appreciation, here’s some outtakes from our video above…If you remain uncertain who is the acting weak link, this video should clear things up!